uno dei più bei libri che ho letto, luce al cuore, pace all'anima, torrenti di radiose scintille di vita nella via della vita, porte aperte alla speranza, che ci rende sempre migliori e ci irradia nuovi orizzonti per nuovi sguardi più puliti e limpidi, nuove brecce al muro che ci separa da noi stessi e dalla nostra stessa Libertà, Grazie a questi grandi Maestri... con la gratitudine nel cuore mi elevo a questo abbraccio, per splendere il sole del mio stesso sguardo alla vita.. <3 GRAZIE <3

"Settle into your favorite chair, and immerse yourself in a new consciousness of love. It's an adventure the likes of which you've never experienced before. A life-enhancing, life-changing adventure of love. A love story in its highest form. Stranger by the River helps you navigate the river of life in the tradition of other classics such as Kahil Gibran's The Prophet, William Blake's mystical poetry, and the Bible's Song of Solomon. Begin to experience a new consciousness when you see yourself from the perspective of Soul, a divine spark of God. Learn to recognize God's love through your relationships with your spouse or lover, your friends, and your family. You'll thrill to the revelations each new chapter brings. The gentle wisdom revealed in the thirty-four spiritual dialogs between the great ECK Adept Rebazar Tarzs and the Seeker come alive like a fire in your own heart. The beautiful rhythm of Stranger by the River will lift you into a higher understanding of God. You'll delve deeply into the mysteries of love, freedom, death, and your purpose in life. This powerful book will help you discover a life of love. It will forever change your awareness of yourself - as immortal Soul" 


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